Sunday, November 13, 2011

How to Overcome Laptop "Hang"

The main cause is that the laptop hangs access load exceeds the capability processor run on our laptops, one cause is using a laptop more than two hours without cooling pad / fan cooling, so that the temperature on the processor is high and exceeds the maximum limit that can be held processor. Keep in mind a different laptop with a PC in terms of room placement of components. Laptops will heat faster.
The fix, always use a cooling pad, especially if you use more than 2 hours. Another case when you use a laptop in place, air-conditioned, of course without the cooling pad is not a problem. Because the temperature of the room will automatically stabilize processor work. Do not often use the laptop without cooling pad in the long term as this will cause overheating processor (too hot) and then broken.
Reduce access to software in large quantities simultaneously. This will burden the working memory. Or if you work use many programs accessed simultaneously, perform the upgrade laptop memory.It means you must add memory capacity of your laptop. Because one of the symptoms hangs on laptops than on the processor is located in memory. Less memory or the memory is damaged causing hangs on the laptop.
Make sure the PC is listed on your laptop memory equal or close to (the closer the memory will be more support and employment would be the maximum), because if not the same, it will not support or even the more slow laptop work. PC in memory usually listed on the label ex PC4200, PC5300, PC6400.
Upgrade your antivirus and scan all your files so free from viruses. It's also one of the causes of your laptop hangs. Many viruses will damage the system and work against him. If a virus in your laptop a lot and more than 100 viruses, then the best step to reinstall your laptop.
Defrag HDD (hard disk) you, its functions to spruce up your files. The files also include many scattered one cause hangs on the laptop.
Perform defragmentation (defrag) only if you enter more than 1 GB sized files in folders. Do not be too often defrag the HDD because it will reduce the performance of your laptop HDD. Do it just for the final step.

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